Adding a permanent network route in Windows
Posted by vostorga - 30/07/14 at 05:07:26 pmIt’s not that common to add a network route in windows, but if you have more than one network interface and there are many networks hidden over there, you will need to do it
The syntax is quite simple
route -p add the_network mask the_netmask the_gateway metric the_metric
As an example, we will use the following information:
the_metric 10
And the resulting command is:
route -p add mask metric 10
-p means the network will be added permanently in windows registry, if you want to play with this new network until the next reboot, don’t use it.
If you do not what to do with metric , simply use 10
To check the routing table, use the command
route print
Purging WINS cache on Windows
Posted by vostorga - 31/08/12 at 12:08:56 pmOn cmd execute:
nbtstat -R
Install Telnet Client on Windows 7 and above by using a command line
Posted by vostorga - 13/03/12 at 03:03:43 pmQuick ‘n dirty, from the cmd “console”
pkgmgr /iu:"TelnetClient"
Installing recovery console on a Service Pack >=2 Windows based computer
Posted by vostorga - 29/11/11 at 11:11:20 amIf you try to install the Recovery console into a Windows 2003 Server SP2 computer (or any windows service-packed computer) from the installation media, you may receive the error:
“Setup cannot continue because the version of Windows on your computer is newer than the version on the CD.”
This happens because windows expects a Windows xxx SPyyy CD. If you don’t have a CD suitable for the service pack currently installed, follow this link.
If when running FolderPath:\i386\winnt32.exe /cmdcons you receive the message “No valid system partitions were found” follow this other link as well.
As a plus, if you need the Recovery console commands syntax, go here.
Curiosa imitación de Windows 3.11
Posted by vostorga - 24/01/10 at 08:01:32 amYo comencé a utilizar computadoras con el añejo Windows 3.1x, y recuerdo que a pesar de todo, era muy estable como sistema operativo.
Pues bien, resulta que encontré por ahí un link con una imitación de Windows 3.11 el cual ha utilizado JavaScript, XHTML y Ajax y me sorprende el hecho de los grandes pasos que ha dado la informática desde los inicios de los 90s.
Y bueno, el sitio en cuestión es . Es obvio que no imita completamente el comportamiento de Windows 3.11 , pero al utilizar la “interfaz” da la sensación de estar en el viejo 3.11 .
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